An ambitious brand strategy to position Geneva School of Business (HEG) as an education leader in the era of digitalisation.
Staying relevant in a digital and global context is a priority for education providers. Founded in 1998, Geneva School of Business (HEG) is one of the leading applied universities in the French part of Switzerland. The school offers Bachelor, Masters, MBA and certificates programs. Conscious of the challenges faced by HEG, the management team asked Creative Supply to help develop a future-proof brand strategy for the school
Aligning the organisation behind one story
Reaching a shared understanding about the role of HEG today, and tomorrow, was the cornerstone of this project. Using our Brand Story Canvas, we ran workshops with program heads, administrative staff and the management team. This allowed us to uncover diverging opinions, identify shared beliefs and ultimately align all stakeholders.
We saw the opportunity to position HEG as a “harbour of knowledge”, the place where young people start their careers and where professionals come back to “refuel”. The metaphor resonated with the management team as it gave an important place to continuous education. We also identified the brand ideal of HEG: to excel in the era of digital transformation – this simple yet powerful idea instantly gave a clear strategic direction to HEG. We then worked hand in hand with the HEG team to develop a full communication platform. Together we defined HEG’s core strategic functions: to train, to orientate and to connect. Finally, we set key themes for the editorial guideline.

Bringing the brand promise to life
Aligned behind the brand strategy, HEG management launched several programs (a strategic business intelligence certificate and a prospective stream in the Masters program) targeting professionals who wants to excel in the era of digital transformation.